Sunday, November 18, 2007

Setting a good example

I started wrestling about a week ago and I found out my Coach was a Christian. He told my fellow wrestlers not to say any filthy words and not to put Jesus Christ's name in vain. I thought he would be a pretty good coach untill he started cussing. That doesn't show a good example to the wrestlers about being a Christian when our coach condradicted himself. It made me think about when I'm hanging around non-christians and how I should set a good example for a christian. Just one word that could easily slip out could ruin their thoughts about christianity. Expecialy me being a teen minister and our campus lunch leader for our school. As christians, we need to be extra carefull about what we do when around non-christians.


Curren said...

Man, Amen to that brother, it's something we always need to be conscious of...

Try not to lay anybody out to hard too...

♫ DB ♫ said...

Mmm ya dude, I wrote a blog about stumbling blocks like that. Check it out! Peace,


The Orchard Christian Church said...

Sounds like you're doing good work- I wish you the best. My advice is, don't neglect your own spiritual health. Love Jesus, don't just love ministry. I was in youth ministry at 2 churches, and it is easy to burn out quickly, or there could be high turnover due to "political" reasons. The average tenure of a youth pastor nationwide is 1 year.

If you know some Christian single young adult type people over this way, they may be interested in what we're doing here in north Montebello.

♫ DB ♫ said...

reading your blog again, the last sentence caught my eye. I don't why it didn't before, but here's what I think. We just can't be careful if what we say it do infront of non-Christians, but infront of everyone. Even if we are alone, we can't act like we walk in the darkness or let our tongues slip. Read James 1:26 about your tongues!

brandy said...

AMEN!!! that is so true, it is also sad sometimes when others are dicieved into thinking they are a christian and you can tell by the way they are living that they really aren't living a Godly life.

keep the blogs comming. :)