Thursday, March 20, 2008

Verse of the Week

Phillipians 4:5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. (G)The Lord is near

This verse really stood out to me.

The first part talks about how as christians we have a gentle spirit. It doesn't say that we need to have a gentle spirit but that we already have one because of Christ's working in our lives. The second part of the verse is very calming. It says that the Lord is near which should always be recognized. Most people would probably say that it means we should know that he with us in hard times(which is amazingly true) but even in the nonhard times he is right beside us directing us in His will. Clearly you could say that the Lord is always watching us and is our ultimate "gaurdian angle" but if you think about it, even though he is always around us protecting us, God is there to direct you to do the will of the Father not to help us hide from the world but to put us in it so we can proclaim that Jesus is Lord. Many many people in other countries die every day for professing the truth of Jesus and that is what we should do every day; not just during easter or christmas but in every possible way. The Lord is near us, not just to protect us and watch over us, but also to give us oppertunities to profess that Jesus was put on a cross so He could take the punishment for our sins so we can have a relationship with God.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Forever an Ever
Aaron Spiro

Forever and ever we will sing your praises
Forever and ever we will glorify your name
Above all names every name
Merciful Lord Jesus
You took the cross to free us
Conquered death and sin
In a battle they could never win
For you are the first the last
Lord of future Lord of past
You reign in glory as the king
You reign in glory as the king
Receive the praise we sing

Forever and ever we will praise the lord and worship Him. This is exactly what we will be doing in heaven and it is exactly what we should be doing now. In whatever we do we should do it for the lord givung Him thanks; and He is the past and the future, we have a lot to look forward to in Heaven and a lot to do now. What also stuck out to me was that how our lord conqured death and sin in a battle the couldn't win. He is so musch more powerful than us that he is more powerful than something that we used to be enslaved to; but now that he has released us from the power of the sin, we can have a relationship with Him and worship Him forever and ever.